At the core, we are a three-stranded cord:
Kevin + Teri + Jesus Christ
And over the years we've added seven strands to that cord...
Yup, as of Dec 2010, we've got seven arrows in our quiver...all grew in my belly...and until God moves us otherwise, our quiver is full.
This scripture is hand-written on a bright yellow card, taped to a pillar by our kitchen -
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed..." - Psalm 127:3-5
It just makes me smile. (Even tho I'm not so sure if baby Nekoda qualifies as being a 'child of my youth' since I was 40 when he arrived.) But this is just one of those scriptures (we all have 'em, don't we?) that justifies the path we're on, that gives approval to our particular choices. I love how the Lord does that - speaking to us uniquely with comfort & a smiling nod of encouragement. And so I'm staggeringly grateful for my 'seven arrows' and the path God has designed for each of them:
Caleb Daniel - 15
Autumn Grace - 14
Eliza Joy - 10
Ian Nathanael - 6
Canyon Joshua - 4
Serene Eliana - 2
Nekoda Scott - 11 months
You can read more about the family, and my stumbling adventures in parenting, here:
The Core
Such A Mommy
Adventure Envy
Let It Be
Watching Mommy
A Hard Days Night
The Princess and the Pee
Word Play
Praying For Some Silent Nights
More Giving; Fewer Gifts
Hope Inside